Business is about providing products and service, but that's not the whole picture. Fundamentally we are dealing with real people with real concerns and that helps us build relationships that will last many years.
Emerald Planet Lawns is mid sized company that is large enough to have professional systems like billing, payroll and communications and small enough to respond quickly and personally.
Running a mower back and forth over the lawn for many years does not make a professional. Our crew leaders are each participating in the Florida Landscape Professionals program. We study Florida Friendly landscape principles, pest control, plants identification, and pest issues.
Our landscaping industry has not earned a good reputation for clear and timely communication with our customers. ELP is seeking to change that starting with documenting our work, and responding quickly to phone, text and emails.
A quick glance at any EPL crew and you see safety equipment like glasses, long pants, gloves, & traffic cones. That is just the surface. Safety training is a regular part of our vocabulary. The best protection against accidents is to prevent them. Of course we carry all required insurance and will be happy to provide certifications as required.
How can a lawn service company be a responsible corporate citizen?
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